12 minutes / Program # M22941 / VHS and DVD Price: $295

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Though codes of ethics for different cities may emphasize different ethical concerns, new employees viewing this program are introduced to the ethical principles common to all city codes.

Through realistic situations, employees learn they are expected to keep confidential city information confidential, that they must never show favoritism, that they must not seek special privileges and must never use city property for personal use.

They learn why they must not conduct city business with companies in which they have a financial interest, and why they must take no outside employment that conflicts with city duties.

They learn they must report illegal or unethical behavior by fellow staff members that they observe, and that they are expected to cooperate fully with all official investigations by the administration into complaints, grievances or possible criminal activity.

And in a thorough discussion with multiple scenarios, new employees see clearly why they must not accept a substantial gift from anyone if it could be assumed that the gift was intended to influence them in the conduct of their official duties.

By the end of the program new employees have a clear understanding of what constitutes ethical behavior, and are well aware that as long as they remain a city employee, the need for ethical behavior is going to be a part of their life.